Letter to the Editor: Vote for Jonathan West
As a new resident of Manchester, I'd like to write a letter of support for Jonathan West as an elected member os Selectb’s Selectboard. I've had the privilege of getting to know Jonathan and his family over the past several years and have admired his work ethic and ability to multitask both a career and family with such ease and grace.
I see Jonathan each morning when he drops his children off at preschool and can tell when he's been up all night working or caring for one of his children who had a bad dream. Even with bags under his eyes, he is always full of so much pride and gratitude, and that reflects in his children, who are kind, bright, and full of so much life and wonder.
I'm confident that Jonathan has the ability and determination to bring focus and execution to any task he meets because I've watched him do just that over the past several years. Between writing and publishing a children's book, advocating for rights and inclusion, and running a business! All while being a full-time parent and a husband.
Jonathan also has a lot more to prove being a 10th-generation resident of Manchester, and I know he'll work harder than anyone else to ensure his hometown lives up to expectations.
If actions speak louder than words, then Jonathan's four children say everything about who he is and what he stands for, and that is why he has my full support and vote.
Casey Czahor