Letter to the Editor: Vote For My Husband, Jonathan West, for Manchester Selectboard
Jonathan is a 10th-generation resident of Manchester. He was born and raised here, attended MEMS and BBA, and even stayed in the state to earn his degree in music education at UVM. Whether volunteering at bingo nights to spend as much time as possible with his late grandmother, directing his first of 4 Loyalty Day parades at 15 years old, or being the original voice to display the American flags on the utility poles after 9/11 at the age of 19 (he and his dad drove through town and put up the flags themselves), his love for our town has been steadfast and unwavering decades before he declared his candidacy for the Selectboard.
Thomas West

Letter to the Editor: Jonathan West for Selectboard
Jonathan West is a man of strong ethics, ideas, and knowledge about what Manchester needs to do to sustain itself as a healthy, vibrant community. If you want to live in a town that values all residents’ opinions, works for all residents, looks ahead to an exciting future, and isn’t afraid to work hard to achieve it, then you need to vote for Jonathan West.
Philip Peterson

Letter to the Editor: West and Shelton for Manchester
When I read letters of support for Jonathan West for Selectboard that include heads of school (BBA), his teachers from MEMS and the former head of Manchester Parks and Rec, that seals the deal for me. Vote for Jonathan for Selectboard on March 5. He was a young lad when these folks first encountered him. They recognized a unique person then, and all these years later continue to be impressed with Jonathan's many talents. I attended Jonathan and Thomas's book presentation at Northshire Bookstore; their poise, their good humor, and their sincerity were most impressive. Jonathan has returned to the town he loves after experiencing other worlds beyond our town, something that gives him an important perspective when weighing in on town discussions. I can't think of a better person to become an active member of our town's governing body.
Kathe Dillmann
Manchester Center

Letter to the Editor: Vote for Jonathan West
It is unfortunate that some folks, through comments in letters here or on other platforms, have created an “impression” of the candidates by labeling and categorizing, which is frankly reductive and insulting to them and to us. Let’s get beyond this, and make an informed choice based on facts, not innuendo, the ideas and opinions articulated by the candidates and the public record. Jonathan’s bio and record speaks for itself.
Kathleen O’Reilly
Manchester Center

Letter to the Editor: Vote for my Dad, Jonathan West, for Manchester Selectboard
I’m writing this letter because I want my Daddy to be on the Selectboard. Here are the three reasons why:
He knows a lot about the history of Manchester because he was born and raised here.
He's a nice person.
He’s a very hard worker.
Gracie West, 8 years old

Letter to the Editor: Vote for Jonathan West
I see Jonathan each morning when he drops his children off at preschool and can tell when he's been up all night working or caring for one of his children who had a bad dream. Even with bags under his eyes, he is always full of so much pride and gratitude, and that reflects in his children, who are kind, bright, and full of so much life and wonder.
Casey Czahor

Letter to the Editor: Vote for Jonathan West
I am writing to support Jonathan West's candidacy for Manchester Selectboard. I met Jonathan when he was a middle schooler in 1995 when I began working as a paraeducator in his classroom, working 1:1 with another student at Manchester Elementary-Middle School. What I didn't realize at the time was I was meeting an exceptional young man who would go on to do great things in his life while also playing a significant role in working for me at the Manchester Parks & Recreation Department.
Dan Favreau

Letter to the Editor: Support Jonathan West for Manchester Selectboard
It is with genuine excitement that I write in support of Jonathan West for Manchester Selectboard. Along with Jonathan, I am a multi-generational Manchester resident. This endorsement comes from a place of friendship and a deep understanding of Jonathan's character and commitment to making our community thrive.
Karli Love

Letter to the Editor: In Support of Jonathan West for Manchester Selectboard
I have known Jonathan and his family practically all his life. Jon grew up in this community, went to local schools, and was well respected by both his peers and teachers. Even at MEMS, where I had him as a student, he was a leader, willing to help out in any way he could. He always made positive connections with people. He is thoughtful, willing to listen calmly, and think outside of the box.
Georgeanne E Bonifanti and Jim Church

Letter to the Editor: Vote Jonathan West for Selectboard
To write a letter of support for my son, Jonathan West, is a labor of love. Since the day we welcomed him into the world, Pam and I have known that our son is a very special human being!
When faced with challenges, Jon has faced them with a steadfast determination and positivity which has characterized his success in all his endeavors. He has always been someone who could figure out a way to get things done.
His demeanor bears a striking similarity to his late grandfather, native Manchesterite John West, a charismatic "legend" from the Greatest Generation of WWII veterans. Well known for his good deeds and infectious personality, Jonathan is well on his way to check all those boxes as well.
William J. West

Letter To The Editor: Jonathan West for Selectboard
Jonathan West is emblematic of the bright and accomplished young people we must bring into town leadership. I am extremely pleased he’s running for the Manchester Select Board and would like to share my reasons for supporting him.
As I’m sure you are aware, we are experiencing an acute housing crisis in Manchester, in Vermont broadly, and in states across our nation.
Leslie Burg

GNAT - Candidate Statement
Hello Manchester.
My name is Jonathan West, and I'm thrilled to announce my candidacy for the Manchester Selectboard's 2-year seat.
Now, you might wonder, "Why am I running?" And the answer is DEEPLY personal.
I’m a father to four incredible children and a proud 10th-generation resident of Manchester.
My journey, shaped by our local schools - MEMS, BBA, and UVM…has taught me the importance of being connected and committed to the community.
My PROFOUND love for our town, has driven me to make this commitment to Manchester…to help address our challenges, and build a future that reflects the values we strive for as a family and community.

Op-Ed: My Commitment to You
As I step into the arena of public service, you might wonder, "Why am I running?" The answer is deeply personal. I am a father to four incredible children and a proud member of the 10th generation of Manchester residents in my family. My journey, shaped by our local schools – MEMS, BBA, and UVM – taught me the importance of being connected and committed to the community.

Letter to the Editor: Supporting Jonathan West for Selectboard
It is an honor to submit this letter in support of Jonathan West’s candidacy for the Manchester Select Board.
I served as Burr and Burton’s headmaster while Jon was a student there.
Chuck Scranton, BBA former Headmaster

Letter to the Editor: Supporting West for Selectboard
We have just learned of Jon West’s candidacy for the Manchester Selectboard. Jon is a lifelong resident who is already very engaged with the community.
Alison and Bob Stannard

Letter to the Editor: Jonathan West for Manchester Selectboard
I was very happy to read Jonathan West’s announcement regarding his running for a seat on the Manchester Selectboard. We have been lucky in Manchester to be represented, past and present, by members who have kept the great town of Manchester in the forefront of their decisions.
Anne Lemke
Manchester Center

PRESS: Manchester Resident Jonathan West Announces Run for Selectboard
Manchester resident Jonathan West announced he will run for the town's Selectboard, seeking the two-year term currently held by board member Laurie Kunz.

It’s Official!
Hello, Manchester! My name is Jonathan West, and I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for the Manchester Selectboard 2-year term.
In the heart of our community lies the promise of progress, and I am committed to fostering positive change.
Housing is a cornerstone of our town's vitality, and I pledge to work tirelessly to address this issue head-on.
Equity is not just a goal; it's a necessity. I promise to champion fairness, ensuring every voice is heard.
Transparency is key to trust, and I will strive to keep you informed every step of the way.
Together, let's build a brighter future for Manchester. Join me in creating a community that thrives for all by making the commitment and visiting westformanchester.com to get involved.
Thank you! Now, let’s get to work!