Letter to the Editor: Vote for Jonathan West

It is that time of year when we exercise our privilege to choose among candidates running for elective office, and vote for the candidate that we trust with our community’s best interest moving forward. Elections inherently imply turnover and change. New candidates with new energy, novel life and work experience, different perspectives on the issues, and yes – even not longstanding residents of the town – may put their hat into the ring. The prospect of changing the de facto status quo can be an uncomfortable or alarming prospect. However, in the words of John Maxwell: “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” This is why it is critical that candidates, whether incumbent or challenger, get out there to meet us where we are and to listen and to articulate their thoughts and ideas in return. This kind of campaign dialogue is healthy, respectful of us as individual constituents, adds depth to and informs decision making, and moves a community forward in a positive direction.

This is the reason why I have chosen to support Jonathan West as candidate for our Manchester Select Board. Jonathan has made it his business to get out and meet people where they are. He has canvassed neighborhoods and met with residents on their doorsteps. He has made himself visible at the rotary. He set up a social media page to inform all of his responses to the town’s current issues. He has attended gatherings and meet and greets so that everyone has a chance to approach and question him. He has put some “skin in the game” and has certainly made me feel like my voice matters and is no less valuable than other voices, which may be more vocal and visible and therefore afforded more attention. He has diverse, rich life experience, affording him a broad perspective and an inclusive approach to problem solving. He also has the benefit of having his feet firmly planted in this community, having spent his formative years here and returning with his spouse to raise their blended family.

It is unfortunate that some folks, through comments in letters here or on other platforms, have created an “impression” of the candidates by labeling and categorizing, which is frankly reductive and insulting to them and to us. Let’s get beyond this, and make an informed choice based on facts, not innuendo, the ideas and opinions articulated by the candidates and the public record. Jonathan’s bio and record speaks for itself.

Thanks to both candidates for the respect and courtesy they have personally demonstrated in this campaign.

Kathleen O’Reilly
Manchester Center



Letter to the Editor: West and Shelton for Manchester


Letter to the Editor: Vote for my Dad, Jonathan West, for Manchester Selectboard