Positive Response to the Proposed Housing and Community Development Committee
Manchester, VT – The discussion surrounding the creation of a new town committee, the "Housing and Community Development Committee," at the Selectboard meeting on May 7, 2024, garnered significant support from local government officials and the community. The meeting, held at Town Hall in Manchester, VT, saw an enthusiastic turnout and was met with overwhelmingly positive reactions from all attendees.
General Consensus and Key Outcomes
The general consensus from Selectboard members and the public was supportive of the proposal. Although no official decision was made, it was agreed that discussions on the proposed committee will continue at every future Selectboard meeting, reflecting the importance of addressing Manchester's housing needs.
Jonathan West, a newly elected Selectboard member, presented his draft proposal towards the end of the meeting, receiving praise from various community stakeholders, including local developers, small business owners, and the Manchester Businesses Association. The presentation addressed workforce housing shortages and promoted economic development through the committee's collaborative efforts.
Enthusiastic Community Support
The meeting attracted diverse attendees, including local community activists, housing developers, and small business owners. The public's enthusiasm was evident, with every person in attendance speaking in favor of the proposed committee. The proposal's focus on inclusive growth, workforce housing, and economic development resonated with many.
Key Quotes and Reactions
Jonathan West, Selectboard member, highlighted the importance of community input in shaping the committee's goals and expectations: "This is the start of a discussion that I would like input on from the community and the selectboard so that we can make this more concise."
Courtney Callo, Owner of Willoughby's in Manchester, emphasized the urgency of addressing the housing crisis: "We can't hire people to come and live here. It's a crisis. The entire community has to wrap themselves around this and figure it out."
John Burnham, Executive Director of the Manchester Business Association, expressed his excitement about the proposal, stating, "I totally support what Jonathan has put forth and am really excited that the Selectboard is moving forward with this committee."
"This is the kind of effort that signals to developers that, yes, we want you to come here, we want you to bring your dollars and your housing units..." Cat Bryars, Executive Director of Shires Housing Inc.
Next Steps and Timeline
The Selectboard will continue discussing and refining the "Housing and Community Development Committee" proposal at the next meeting on May 21, 2024 and hope to begin seeking interested candidates soon thereafter. Further adjustments and public comments will be incorporated before the final proposal is submitted for approval on June 4, 2024. The committee formation timeline has also been outlined, with key milestones leading to the committee's first public meeting by August 2, 2024.
For additional information or press inquiries, contact Jonathan West, Selectboard Member, at (802) 768-7900 or via email at west.j@manchester-vt.gov. A copy of the proposal can be downloaded at https://www.westformanchester.com/statements/housing-and-community-development-committee.