I Support the Manchester Community Library
I am the only candidate running for Manchester Selectboard to publicly voice my support of the MCL in this year's appropriations request from the Town of Manchester. While I recognize this year's appeal is an increase, it's important to acknowledge this is their first requested increase in six years.
As Bob Stannard so eloquently put it, "This is not an increase from last year. It's an increase from five years ago. That's right. The request from the MCL has been $243,700 for the past five years. This is the first requested increase in six years. The $73,300 increase equates to only $12,216.67 annually, reflecting inflation and increasing costs over those years."
Please join me in voting YES to continue Manchester's long history of supporting our library and all the incredible work they have done and will continue to do for decades.
To hear my remarks, skip to minute 7:33 in this video.