Op-Ed: My Commitment to You
As I step into the arena of public service, you might wonder, "Why am I running?" The answer is deeply personal. I am a father to four incredible children and a proud member of the 10th generation of Manchester residents in my family. My journey, shaped by our local schools – MEMS, BBA, and UVM – taught me the importance of being connected and committed to the community.
Manchester was always my home, even when my work took me to other places. As a technology professional, my work took me away from Vermont. In 2011, my husband enlisted in the U.S. Army, which made me a military spouse. Like every military member, where you are stationed is not your home of record unless you specify that. Manchester was always my home of record. When our time in the military was coming to an end, Thomas and I, with a blossoming family, returned to Manchester and purchased a home where we would live after his service to our nation ended.
Since 2017, I have watched my family grow, and we have become involved wherever possible to ensure we are fighting for our children's future. Now, that profound love for our community is driving me to make an even more significant commitment to Manchester to address our challenges and build a future that reflects the values we strive for as a family and community.
Housing: Making Manchester a Home for All
I can't accept the idea of anyone being priced out of the community they call home. Teachers, service workers, healthcare professionals, seniors, refugees, immigrants, non-English speakers, and people of color – every member of our diverse community deserves a place here. I want Manchester to be where housing constraints don't limit dreams of living, working and thriving.
Solving our housing crisis in Manchester is not just a policy goal for me; it's a personal mission. Day after day, I see folks struggling to find housing, forcing amazing people to move, sometimes far away, to find a home. We need a multifaceted approach that addresses the diverse needs of our community. This means creating housing opportunities across the entire price spectrum, ensuring that no one is priced out of the place they love. From teachers at MEMS to hard-working service personnel and healthcare professionals, we must prioritize those who serve our greater community’s constantly growing needs. We can explore innovative solutions, such as mixed-income housing developments and revitalizing underutilized spaces, by collaborating with local stakeholders, developers, and community members. Collaborative efforts between the state and federal government, along with local and private interests, are essential for achieving meaningful progress. This requires a collective commitment to actively explore all available options and contribute wholeheartedly to the cause.
Creating a housing trust will enable more local people to become homeowners and end generational housing insecurity for many of our most vulnerable residents. Our vision should extend beyond addressing the immediate concerns to creating a sustainable housing plan that embraces inclusivity, affordability, and the unique character of Manchester. We can and will address each of those crucial aspects when we recognize the need, hear each other, and commit together to build a community where everyone has a chance to thrive and contribute to the vibrant tapestry of our town.
Equity: A New Vision for Inclusivity
I carry the vision of a Manchester where every resident's needs are at the forefront. I aim to help craft a new town plan prioritizing the essentials of being a resident and making our government and its decisions more accessible than ever. Not everyone can attend meetings, and I want to break down those barriers, ensuring that every voice, especially those who can't be physically present, is heard and valued. My door will always be open to you, anytime, for any reason.
Transparency: Connecting Through Open Conversations
As a Chief Technology Officer, I understand the power of technology to connect us. I want to leverage this experience to bring our community closer. I intend to address the issues we face through regular short-form videos. We need to elevate our community dialogue and understanding of challenging, complex problems. Real change happens when we talk face-to-face with civility and respect, qualities periodically lost in online forums.
Vermont has survived as a state because of the uniqueness of how we go about our lives. Young and old need to remember what being a part of the fabric of Vermont is and the strength in that bond as members of the same community with a common cause: the betterment of our community. Having more informed and fact-based communication from our elected officials will bring clarity to complex topics and help build greater trust in the work of our boards, commissions, and town employees.
I believe we must also come together on many significant topics. However, creating a baseline of how we should work collectively is paramount. We must build stronger relationships between the town and the school district. We must embrace our outdoor recreational opportunities and arts while building a more substantial commitment to our environment with an initiative to preserve our natural beauty. We must prepare for climate change and its effects on all our residents and ensure our tax policies are not regressive and not targeting the most vulnerable.
I am running for the Selectboard to help you realize your dreams and shared future. I'm not just running for an office; I'm running for the heart of Manchester. Let's build a community where every resident is not just a voice but a valued participant in our shared story. With your support and vote for Selectboard on March 5th, I will dedicate myself to honoring these commitments and the pledge we must make to future generations in Manchester.
Op-Ed as published January 25, 2024
Manchester Journal