Letter To The Editor: Jonathan West for Selectboard

Jonathan West is emblematic of the bright and accomplished young people we must bring into town leadership. I am extremely pleased he’s running for the Manchester Select Board and would like to share my reasons for supporting him.

As I’m sure you are aware, we are experiencing an acute housing crisis in Manchester, in Vermont broadly, and in states across our nation.

A strong advocate for housing, Jonathan sees clearly the link between being able to offer people an affordable place to live, work, and raise a family and creating a welcoming, diverse and vibrant community. Without the former, we risk losing the latter. We need Selectmen on the Board who are committed to maintaining Manchester as a vibrant community and are willing to make the changes necessary to keep it so in the future.

Jonathan’s support of equity and inclusion will help us give a much needed voice to those who often don’t have one. He believes in the importance of hearing all voices and will work toward creating an environment where any of us can speak our mind comfortably and safely – the hallmark of a truly democratic society – and a value we should fully embrace in these extraordinarily contentious times.

Jon comes by his commitment to Manchester honestly. He has deep roots here as a 10+ generation Vermonter! He grew up here, went to school here, and his parents are working people and active members of the community. He left to pursue a career opportunity, as many of our young people unfortunately are forced to do. As CTO of a successful technology company, he is able to work remotely so he and his partner chose to return and settle here with their family.

Jonathan is intelligent, thoughtful, personable and compassionate.

He cares deeply about Manchester, its people and its future. I believe that he has a great deal to contribute to our town and strongly support his election to the Select Board. On March 5th I will be voting for Jonathan West; I hope you will do so too.

Leslie Burg



Letter to the Editor: Vote Jonathan West for Selectboard


GNAT - Candidate Statement