Enhancing Virtual Meetings in the Town of Manchester

I sincerely appreciate the resilience and determination shown by Town of Manchester employees in tackling the persistent virtual meeting issues. From grappling with unreliable meeting links to coping with poor audio quality, these challenges have disrupted the proper flow of communication, leading to understandable frustration among staff and, more importantly, the community.

The stakes are high—town meetings are vital for discussing important community matters, and ensuring smooth virtual interactions has become essential in today's interconnected world.

Building on the technological improvements made over the past few years to the Kilburn Meeting Room, we began with a comprehensive assessment of the current setup. We identified several areas for improvement, including streamlining virtual meeting settings, removing passcode requirements, and ensuring those tasked with moderating virtual meetings have the resources they need if problems arise. Our virtual meetings are also live-streamed on GNAT-TV, so the meetings must be delivered consistently.

Through collaborative efforts with town staff, I will continue to address further challenges, leading to improved meeting experiences for all, both online and when physically in the meeting room.

Here's what we are doing to achieve this:

1. Adjusting the meeting room setup. While we are fortunate to have a space as large as the Kilburn Room to hold meetings, we are currently limited to a single camera behind the audience. While this provides a full view of the meeting room, it needs to provide enough clarity as to who is speaking. Moving the podium to the center of the room with an appropriate microphone, adjusting the rear camera to focus on the members of the board, and adding an additional camera to focus on the audience will increase the connection virtual members can have to the meeting participants. It will also create greater efficiency in the meeting room, making it easier and faster to get to.

2. Streamline the process. The posting of meeting links will be accurate and consistent.

3. Create feedback surveys. Participants and moderators, both virtual and in-person, have the ability to ensure we are aware of any issues or concerns.

As we progress, I want to reassure you of the town's unwavering commitment to maintaining this high standard for virtual meetings. By streamlining meeting settings, adjusting equipment in the meeting room, and listening to all feedback, we can continue to provide a seamless meeting experience for everyone involved. I hope this effort is a testament to the power of collaboration and its positive impact on our community.

Jonathan West
Manchester Selectboard


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