Housing Task Force

The Manchester Selectboard unanimously adopted a resolution to reestablish the Manchester Housing Task Force (HTF), focusing on the community's housing needs and promoting sustainable development.

“By including members from key municipal bodies along with broad community input, this task force aims to enhance communication and efficiency to bring solutions to the housing crisis in Manchester. We need to move as one with all the resources available to us as a community. With dedicated members to this task force from our boards and commissions, our commitment to working together on this very difficult issue has never been stronger.” —Jonathan West

Mission: Work in partnership with residents, local organizations, and various governmental entities to identify housing needs, propose viable solutions, and support initiatives that enhance housing opportunities in Manchester.

Composition: Seven members, including representatives from the Selectboard, Planning Commission, and Development Review Board, alongside four at-large members from the community who have demonstrated interest or expertise in housing, community development, or related fields.

How to apply: Interested individuals are encouraged to submit an application, which can be found on the town’s website under Board & Commission Appointments (https://manchester-vt.gov/board-appointments) or picked up at Town Hall. The deadline for submissions is Friday, July 12.

As always, I can be reached directly at (802) 768-7900 or at west.j@manchester-vt.gov


Housing Task Force - Inaugural Meeting


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