Statement: Housing Task Force Reorganization
I want to be clear that every month we push this down the road, even when it’s to give the Housing Task Force more power to make things happen, we lose one more family right here in Manchester. Arguably, we’ve already lost dozens, and with front-line workers and chemotherapy patients living in motels in our own town, we’ve been on the brink of disaster for far too long.
I think this is a step in the right direction, and community involvement in a lot of places could really create momentum and buy-in to the opportunities we need to create for hard-working families right here in Manchester.
I want to be clear, though, that we still need to organize a public hearing in Manchester where everyone with the power to act on this crisis can hear the same stories I heard firsthand while walking door to door for my campaign.
The Selectboard, Planning Commission, and Housing Task Force need to meet in the same room and hear directly from the people. We must include local home builders, state and federal representatives, private investors, and ALL of Manchester's residents, not just those who pay taxes. Everyone has a responsibility to solve this problem.
As always, I can be reached directly at (802) 768-7900 or at
Jonathan West
Selectboard - Manchester, VT
To learn more about the Selectboard’s recent decision to reorganize the Housing Task Force, visit the Manchester Journal’s article here: