2024 Rec Park Scholarships and Fees

Unfortunately, the Selectboard voted to increase the fees for this year’s Spring and Summer Rec Park fees. I was the only member of the Selectboard to vote NO. I find it distressing that these types of increases are being passed on to the families in our community that rely on these programs the most and not included in the budget as they have done in past years.

Programs like the Summer Camp (which I was a part of as a camper, counselor, and office staff) are a service to our community, and the fees should not be used as a revenue-generating opportunity, especially on the backs of our community’s most vulnerable. The burden placed on a single family to spend hundreds more per child rather than an unrecognizable amount between our entire community places a regressive and seemingly unfair burden on those already struggling to stay in this community.

I have not been given a copy of the increased fees, but I will pass them along as soon as I know more.

The good news is that the Parks and Recreation Director has reassured me that no family will be turned away if they need financial assistance. Please contact the Rec Park directly at (802) 362-1439 or parks@manchester-vt.gov for more information.


2024 Selectboard Rules


Statement: Housing Task Force Reorganization